Howard Smith Comments on the Village Voice Interview
by Howard Smith
The following are Howard Smith's comments after his 1970 interview with Jim Morrison at the Doors' office in L.A. - Reading these comments before reading or hearing the interview will shed some humorous light on the interview itself.
"....On the second floor is this office and in there is his manager, a press agent, those kind of people, you know, at their desks and there was Jim Morrison. It was 11:00 o' clock in the morning and there was an engineer, setting up all the equipment and he had a whole bunch of his comrades coming, sitting around, a lot of voices you'll hear in the background, kinda laughing at his jokes and joining in and everything ... his people, and also something, I think it's on the tape, I think this comes up at a later point, but I want you to keep this in mind: before I went there, I had a feeling that it was going to be a tough interview. I just kinda had a feeling that he and I didn't have the same athatalism, that it was going to be tricky, and I said to Cilla, who was along with me, you know, if things get really difficult with him, I'm gonna suggest that we armwrestle ... and then I put it out of my mind, and then you'll hear what happens about that later on in the interview..."
Note: I highly recommend reading this interview ONLY if you do not intend to purchase the CD, as I feel A GREAT DEAL is lost in translation. I personally feel hearing Jim's interviews is FAR superior to reading them. Being able to experience his inflection and mood (especially his good humor:) is nothing short of priceless. This interview on CD, titled the Smith Tapes is available through the link at the right of this page and the interview page at a very reasonable price. If you have any intention of purchasing the CD, do yourself a favor and wait for it!)
The Village Voice Interview
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